The Obligatory Biography

me, April 2007

Photo by Trish

I was born at an early age into the traditional non-traditional family. I used to think I had an unhappy childhood, but comparatively, I really had it pretty easy. I was the stereotypical smart but underachieving kid once I figured out how much easier that is than being an overachiever. I worked my way through college so I don't have many happy memories of that time, but at least I finished.

The girl and I have been together for almost six years. We must be doing something right.

I've worked as some form of button pusher my whole professional life. I've been a network cable installer, call center tech support agent, desktop computer support tech, database administrator, enterprise resource planning administrator and analyst, and now I'm some combination of sysadmin and network geek. Life is what happens while you're making other plans and all that.

If I made time for my hobbies, they'd be photography, reading, travel, and film. I enjoy food, although I'm a lousy cook; and wine, but I don't have much of a palate.

Short detours aside, I'd lived within a ten mile radius of the Colorado capitol my whole life. In the summer of 2007, I accompanied the girl back to the greater San Francisco Bay area. I miss having disposable income but snow and I are still happily on a break. The raised bumps they use in the lane markers on the freeways (Bott's Dots for those in the know) are cool, too.

Updated January 2009.